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                (ii) The anticipated award date. (17) If solicitations synopsized through the GPE will not be made available through the GPE, provide information on how to obtain the solicitation.            (1) On plans that would provide undue or discriminatory advantage to private or personal interests; These notices are for "informational purposes only," therefore, 5.203 does not apply. Advertisements may be paid for at rates not over the commercial rates charged private individuals, with the usual discounts (44 U.S.C. (iii) Contract action in any amount when advantageous to the Government. (3) Manufacturer, including part number, drawing number, etc. (4) Placing paid advertisements in newspapers or other communications media, subject to the following limitations: (8) Proposed Solicitation Number. (c) With respect to acquisitions covered by the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement or a Free Trade Agreement, contracting officers must submit synopses in sufficient time to permit their publication in the GPE not later than 60 days after award. The exchange and coordination of information is particularly beneficial during the period of acquisition planning, presolicitation, evaluation, and pre-award survey. This presumption does not negate the mandatory waiting or response times specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. (f) Section8(a) competitive acquisition. (15) In the case of noncompetitive contract actions (including those that do not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold), identify the intended source and insert a statement of the reason justifying the lack of competition.                 (ii) Modifications to existing contracts; (e) Agencies must allow at least a 45-day response time for receipt of bids or proposals from the date of publication of the notice required in 5.201 for proposed contract actions categorized as research and development if the proposed contract action is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.            (3) Not indicate the existing or potential mobilization of the industry as a whole. 5.402 General public. Mai verabreden sich Tausende Menschen in ganz Deutschland zum virtuellen Vier-Augen-Gespräch.            (2) Any prequalification requirements; and            (2) The information is publicized as widely as practicable to all parties simultaneously by any of the means described in this part; Agencies shall not release information on awards before the public release time of 5 p.m. Washington, DC time. When the order contains brand-name specifications, see especially 16.505(a)(4); (7) The proposed contract action results from acceptance of a proposal under the Small Business Innovation Development Act of1982 (Pub.L.97-219); (8) The proposed contract action results from the acceptance of an unsolicited research proposal that demonstrates a unique and innovative concept (see 2.101) and publication of any notice complying with 5.207 would improperly disclose the originality of thought or innovativeness of the proposed research, or would disclose proprietary information associated with the proposal.            (1) Except when exempted by 5.202, contracting officers must transmit to the GPE a synopsis of each proposed contract action for which the total fee (including phases and options) is expected to exceed $25,000. Contracting officers shall give Members of Congress, upon their request, detailed information regarding any particular contract. (2) The contracting officer is encouraged, when practicable and cost-effective, to make accessible through the GPE additional information related to a solicitation. New normal: How far is safe enough? 5.503 Procedures.            (6) The contract action- 5.403 Requests from Members of Congress. Announcements: See All (17) Steve Wood > ‎The Far Side. When the proposed acquisition provides for a total or partial small business program set-aside, or when the proposed acquisition provides for a local area set-aside (see subpart  26.2), the contracting officer shall identify the type of set-aside in the synopsis and in the solicitation. (b) Rates. Avoid the use of acronyms or terminology that is not widely understood by the general public. This exception does not apply to proposed contract actions covered by the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement or a Free Trade Agreement (see subpart  25.4); (b) Contracting officers shall identify proposed contract actions, funded in whole or in part by the Recovery Act, by using the following instructions which are also available in the Recovery FAQs under "Buyers/Engineers" at the Governmentwide Point of Entry (GPE) (            (6) The proposed contract action is an order placed under subpart 16.5.                 (i) Is coordinated in advance with small business, public information, and public relations personnel, as appropriate; (2) The contracting officer shall use the SF 1449 for paper solicitations. (c) With respect to acquisitions covered by the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement or a Free Trade Agreement, contracting officers must submit synopses in sufficient time to permit their publication in the GPE not later than 60 days after award. (1) The contracting officer shall make a formal public announcement for each streamlined or standard competition. This approval authority may be delegated (5 U.S.C.302(b)). 5.703 Definition. (a) Except for contract actions described in paragraph (b) of this section and as provided in 5.003, contracting officers must synopsize through the GPE the following: (c) In addition to the methods of disseminating proposed contract information in 5.101(a) and (b), provide, upon request to small business concerns, as required by 15 U.S.C.637(b)-            (2) The information is publicized as widely as practicable to all parties simultaneously by any of the means described in this part; (3) Manufacturer, including part number, drawing number, etc. (f) Nothing in this subpart prohibits officers or employees of agencies from responding to requests for information. (6) Contracting Office Address.            (3) The contract action is an order placed under subpart 16.5 or 8.4, except see paragraph (a)(2) of this section; Prepare a clear and concise description of the supplies or services that is not unnecessarily restrictive of competition and will allow a prospective offeror to make an informed business judgment as to whether a copy of the solicitation should be requested including the following, as appropriate: Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für procedure im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). (b) Contracting officers may make available maximum information to the public, except information- (b) Regardless of dollar value, if the contract action, including all modifications and orders under task or delivery order contracts, is not both fixed-price and competitively awarded, publicize the award notice and include in the description the rationale for using other than a fixed-priced and/or competitive approach. (i) Except when using the sole source authority at 6.302-1, insert a statement that all responsible sources may submit a bid, proposal, or quotation which shall be considered by the agency. (b) Regardless of dollar value, if the contract action, including all modifications and orders under task or delivery order contracts, is not both fixed-price and competitively awarded, publicize the award notice and include in the description the rationale for using other than a fixed-priced and/or competitive approach. (7) Unit of issue. The requirements of this subpart enhance transparency to the public.            (2) The name and telephone number of an employee of the contracting office who will answer questions on the solicitation; and When a requirement is being considered for competitive acquisition limited to eligible 8(a) participants under subpart  19.8, the contracting officer must transmit a synopsis of the proposed contract action to the GPE. Advertisement means any single message prepared for placement in communication media, regardless of the number of placements. An order is issued under a new or existing single award IDIQ contract. For example, it includes Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), multi-agency contracts (MACs), and other indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contracts, whether single award or multiple award. Contracting officers shall transmit synopses of contract awards in the same manner as prescribed in 5.207. Define public speaker because Matsumoto Hitoshi is a TV Personality that is different from a public speaker imo, Define your best type of public speaker from your country, then we can maybe compare and contrast, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (In comparison to the US from my experience though.) To myself, the assurance of my own conscience is, that I have at … Advanced notices must be entitled "Research and Development Sources Sought" and include the name and telephone number of the contracting officer or other contracting activity official from whom technical details of the project can be obtained. Advertisement means any single message prepared for placement in communication media, regardless of the number of placements.            (1) The award results from acceptance of an unsolicited research proposal that demonstrates a unique and innovative research concept and publication of any notice would disclose the originality of thought or innovativeness of the proposed research or would disclose proprietary information associated with the proposal; (ii) If the solicitation will include the FAR clause at 52.225-5, Trade Agreements, or an equivalent agency clause, insert the following notice in the synopsis: "One or more of the items under this acquisition is subject to the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and Free Trade Agreements." And yet, I have realized that speakers such as … (ii) Contracting officers shall not place advertisements of proposed contracts in a newspaper published and printed in the District of Columbia unless the supplies or services will be furnished, or the labor performed, in the District of Columbia or adjoining counties in Maryland or Virginia (44 U.S.C.3701). (2) If using the GPE directly, select the "yes" radio button for the "Is this a Recovery and Reinvestment Act action" field on the "Notice Details" form (Step 2) located below the "NAICS Code" field. Whenever agencies are required to publicize notice of proposed contract actions under 5.201, they must proceed as follows: (2) Assisting local trade associations in disseminating information to their members. A contract is awarded that is not fixed-price.                 (i) Is for an amount not greater than the simplified acquisition threshold; The agency head, or a designee, may release long-range acquisition estimates if the information will- (a) Application. (6) Contracting Office Address.            (2) For awards after negotiation, the information prescribed by 15.503(b), and after competitive negotiation (either price or design competition), a statement to this effect, and in general terms the basis for selection. However, the dollar threshold is not a prohibition against publicizing an award of a smaller amount when publicizing would be advantageous to industry or to the Government. Facebook.                 (i) Maintain a reasonable number of copies of solicitations, including specifications and other pertinent information determined necessary by the contracting officer (upon request, potential sources not initially solicited should be mailed or provided copies of solicitations, if available); Use descriptions of the goods and services (including construction), that can be understood by the general public. The fact that a proposed solicitation or contract action contains classified information, or that access to classified matter may be necessary to submit a proposal or perform the contract does not, in itself, justify use of this exception to synopsis; In addition, enter the word "Recovery" as the first word in the title field. 5.405 Exchange of acquisition information.                 (i) Is coordinated in advance with small business, public information, and public relations personnel, as appropriate; Unlike subparts 5.2 and 5.3, this subpart includes additional requirements for orders and for actions that are not both fixed-price and competitive.                 (ii) Contains, if applicable, a statement that small business set-asides may be involved, but that a determination can be made only when acquisition action is initiated; and Advanced notices must be entitled "Research and Development Sources Sought" and include the name and telephone number of the contracting officer or other contracting activity official from whom technical details of the project can be obtained. The notice must indicate the scope and nature of the effort to be performed and request comments. (5) Product or Service Code. (4) Placing paid advertisements in newspapers or other communications media, subject to the following limitations:            (4) Encouraging interested 8(a) participants to request a copy of the solicitation as expeditiously as possible since the solicitation will be issued without further notice upon SBA acceptance of the requirement for the section 8(a) program.                 (iii) Contains the name or description of the item, and the estimated quantity to be acquired by calendar quarter, fiscal year, or other period. Contracting officers shall give small, small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns maximum opportunity to participate in these acquisitions. (b) The contracting activity shall- (2) Specify an amount that the Government will pay if the agency places the orders. Contracting officers shall obtain written authorization in accordance with policy procedures before advertising in newspapers. (4) When an agency determines that a solicitation contains information that requires additional controls to monitor access and distribution (e.g., technical data, specifications, maps, building designs, schedules, etc. Include in the description a statement specifically noting if the contract action was not awarded competitively, or was not fixed-price, or was neither competitive nor fixed-price. Other optional publicizing methods are authorized in accordance with 5.101(b). For any requirement in the FAR to publish a notice, the contracting officer must transmit the notices to the GPE. That comes down to various factors like region you grew up in, personality, etc. A contract is awarded that is not fixed-price. [Photo by Google/Connie Zhou] Melvil Dewey was a one-man Silicon Valley born a century before Steve Jobs.            (1) Action Code. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.                 (iii) Permitted the public to respond to the solicitation electronically; or Upon learning that a particular notice has not in fact been published within the presumed timeframes, contracting officers should consider whether the date for receipt of offers can be extended or whether circumstances have become sufficiently compelling to justify proceeding with the proposed contract action under the authority of 5.202(a)(2). Whenever agencies are required to publicize notice of proposed contract actions under 5.201, they must proceed as follows: (a) An agency must transmit a notice of proposed contract action to the GPE (see 5.201). (4) Contracting Office ZIP Code. (17) Place of Contract Performance. (ii) Contracting officers shall not place advertisements of proposed contracts in a newspaper published and printed in the District of Columbia unless the supplies or services will be furnished, or the labor performed, in the District of Columbia or adjoining counties in Maryland or Virginia (44 U.S.C.3701). (f) Notice of solicitation cancellation. (d) Agencies shall allow at least a 30 day response time from the date of publication of a proper notice of intent to contract for architect-engineer services or before issuance of an order under a basic ordering agreement or similar arrangement if the proposed contract action is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.
as far public 2021