prince charmant once upon a time

Snow and Charming confront the three of them at the docks, and the former is able to recognize the prisoner she locked away as Emma, who claims to be her daughter. Snow finds Charming who is excited to see her, however, she tells him that she doesn't reciprocate his feelings and that she doesn't want anything to do with him, leaving both him and her devastated. Unfortunately for Edmond, though, Charlotte is poisoned anyway by Rumplestiltskin, who needs to ensure Snow and Charming's safety for his plans. Six years later, and Robert makes a name for himself as a drunkard around the village. He now finds himself doubting her innocence and visits her in her cell, he reluctantly asks her if she had anything to do with Kathryn's disappearance. David grabs his sword and goes after the witch along with Emma, Regina, Robin Hood and Hook. A supplanter is someone who takes the place of another person, place, or thing. After failing to seduce him, the siren takes Snow White's form and kisses Prince Charming, which he doesn't seem to be too unhappy about. This leads David to suspect Bo Peep's involvement, and so he heads to her butcher's shop and steals her magic crook. ("Snow Falls"), Snow White is completely devastated that she cannot be with Prince Charming, whom she is in love with, and decides to go to Rumplestiltskin to retrieve a potion that would wipe Charming from her mind, in exchange for some of her hair. Seeing the man he truly is, she proceeds to force him over the town line so that he may never return. ("7:15 A.M."), David texts Mary Margaret to meet him at their special place, the Toll Bridge. The Charmings, meanwhile, detour to rescue Regina from a separate fate, for she has been imprisoned by Sir Henry who seeks revenge for his grandparents' deaths. The ring takes him directly to his beloved, though she is already dead. Ella points out that all she did was get married, but Snow assures the new princess that she did more than that: she proved that it's possible for anyone to change their life. Snow says that she saved her life once, but Charming says that that woman is gone. Belle shows him a passage from her book that she believes might be helpful, and it is; the Sorcerer cites her as clever before successfully freeing the prisoners. He thusly dives in the way and takes the arrow to the shoulder. A flying monkey soon attacks and gives the group enough time to identify the creature, allowing them to realize that the foe they're up against inside the castle is the Wicked Witch of the West. ("Child of the Moon"), Charming and Regina are startled when Henry wakes up and cries out that Emma and Snow are alive, he explains that Aurora, someone they're traveling with, told him via the sleeping curse's netherworld. Mary Margaret wakes him up and sets him free. As they near the palace, Regina discovers a protection spell, cast by whoever currently residing inside, is keeping them out. Meanwhile, it becomes apparent that someone with similar powers to Elsa is preventing her from being able to melt the entire ice wall. Charming and Regina rush to the stables to find that Henry's being attacked by Daniel and Regina manages to free her son, Charming tells him to leave and then locks Daniel in the room of the stables, telling Regina that her monster must be put down. Charming, Snow, Emma, Hook and Regina fend them off with their respective weapons and powers, and during this fight, David is scratched by an arrow dipped in Dreamshade poison, but believes himself to be alright. Charming hears this from some munchkins and decides to follow his son-in-law, heading him off at the beanstalk. During the trek to the palace, Snow White searches for a missing Regina. Holding out Joan's pendant, Bo Peep threatens him with no choice but to pay her. Soon enough, Emma implores Henry to help her find the missing dreamcatchers and, when the two of them discover them up in the clock tower, he's finally able to trust her enough to remove the cuff and allow her to retrieve them. "David has proven this time and time again. Across town, Zelena's pregnancy is suddenly sped up by dark magic and she goes into labor, which worries Mary Margaret and Belle when they learn through research that Emma's missing ingredient is the cry of a newborn baby. Mary Margaret and David want to question him with Emma, but she reminds them that they want him to think they're normal and normal sheriffs don't bring their parents in with them. As thanks for reuniting them, Abigail and Frederick give him a horse. However, Henry soon descends the stairs having authored a story without even knowing it - one about his Uncle Neal, sleeping as soundly as though he was in his parents' arms as he's able to hear them singing to him. At once, Snow White stands up, seemingly feeling the pain of her beating heart being squeezed. However, David tells her that that's exactly what he was scared of, as he didn't want to stunt her life by attaching her to his fate; he wishes for her to be able to leave Neverland. As Mary Margaret consoles her daughter, Regina reveals that Greg and Tamara are currently in possession of a gem stone which acts as a fail-safe within the curse, able to wipe Storybrooke off the map, and kill all of its inhabitants. In an instant, the dream becomes a nightmare, with Emma being sucked into the wardrobe, as he is forced to let her go as she warns him not to "fail the next one". David explains that Kathryn is friends with Regina, so that's why he's supporting him. They later decide to approach Maleficent and apologize to her for what they did to her daughter, but she points out that it isn't her who needs to be apologized to, it's Lily; and, if Maleficent doesn't forgive them, she doubts that her daughter will be able to do so either. ("Swan Song"), David arrives in the Underworld along with the others, shocked to discover that it looks just like a demented version of Storybrooke. As such, David, Mary Margaret and Henry remain awake, and the latter runs to the Sorcerer's mansion in order to protect the page that the Author is trapped inside, for the villains are after it. Learning from him that Regina will be robbing from a royal carriage later in the day, Snow White surprises her. David tries to implicate himself in the murder by blaming the blackouts, however, Regina refuses to believe him. Touched, she kisses him, and returns to her normal self. David tells her the thing that is wrong is that she's late. Snow takes the weapon with her when she goes to give Regina a second chance to start over, however, Regina attempts to kill her with the knife. The prince draws the conclusion that they'll need to cast a spell in order to track where Robert died, and he steals some supplies from Emma's garage while Hook distracts her. ("Kansas"), David and Mary Margaret refuse to tell Emma the name of the baby until the official coronation at Granny's Diner has taken place, however, as everyone meets up, Emma is provoked into leaving when Hook brings up her plans to move back to New York. Not wanting to take any risks, David and the others give him his privacy... only for him to throw the magical toadstool onto the fire beneath the cauldron, clearly not wanting the heroes to contact Merlin. ("Going Home"), Charming and the others arrive back in the Enchanted Forest where they're met by a frightened Aurora and Phillip. ("The Heart of the Truest Believer"), David and the others grow exhausted of hiking up the island in search for Henry and decide to set up camp, per Hook's suggestion. Snow and Charming discover Regina being tortured by Greg, and so free her and have her healed by Mother Superior. As it turns out though, Snow is only writhing around because Jiminy Cricket has become trapped beneath her clothes, and her heart was given back to her and switched by the Queen's father. As such, Emma and Hook journey down to the deepest depths of the Underworld to find some ambrosia that will hopefully restore Hook to life - but it's a trick. She tells him that he's scaring her and asks what's wrong. They argue, with Snow proceeding to suggest town hall, but David still takes issue. The Charmings are then visited by Mr. Gold who tells them that Regina is planning to strike back and murder Mary Margaret. The four of them hurry and Gold manages to save Belle with magic, to which she is grateful. They also learn that Rumple, who was supposed to create a permanent cure for David when back in town, has been trapped in Pandora's Box, meaning he and Snow are confined to the island eternally. From this leap of faith, Prince Charming is revived just as the curse closes in. David vows to protect it, assuring his wife that Zelena won't get her hands on their child when it's born. However, as it turns out, he is unneeded, because by the time David and everyone else arrive, Emma's out-of-control powers - induced by the Snow Queen - have blown a hole through the station wall. When Snow White decides to give into the Queen's offer, Prince Charming tries to gain support from the dwarves to convince her otherwise. Her temperamental powers soon cause a nearby lamppost to fall on David and hurt him badly. Later, Snow White discovers him laying unconscious in the middle of the nursery and fails in her attempt to revive him with true love's kiss just as the Queen enters, gloating over her apparent victory. Wanting to strike a deal, he offers to medicate the children... in exchange for taking one of them to be raised as George's son. However, the dwarfs convince her to first go to Rumplestiltskin to get him to reverse the effects of the potion. That night, Snow White toasts Prince Charming and her friends to Regina, remarking that she hopes her stepmother spends every birthday not finding her. The princess lets out another big smile before hugging him ecstatically. Noticing the ring on her finger, David recognizes that she must be Kristoff's fiancée. Another curse has been cast, one which sent everyone back in time, but this far-fetched tale is too much for the dwarfs to swallow, and not even Regina is around to want to help the future Henry because she, Emma and the current version of their son are on a graduation trip. Snow starts to think maybe the unicorns aren't such a bad thing; maybe they're there to remind them how easy it can be to lose their way. Charming tries to avoid making a deal with the Dark One by challenging him to a sword fight, which he loses. Emma shares a tearful goodbye with her family, having been unable to go through with her plan, but Hook's last minute change of heart means that he instead absorbs all the darkness and Emma is forced to stab him using Excalibur so that it's forever gone, killing him and sending his soul to the Underworld in the process. The portal then absorbs not only the baby, but Cruella and Ursula as well. Emma's heart can't resurrect him because his spirit has been absent from his body for too long, unlike when Charming was resurrected.
prince charmant once upon a time 2021