what is being smart

I think if people consistently misread your intent, you're likely lacking in some area of social intelligence. This is to allow for drivers reducing their speed at a sensible rate. So who was right? So I learned to discount what the moms said. Ability to focus for duration of conversation. What's the answer?" Hi John, I so agree with what you say and this para sums it up for me "A person like me is torn to pieces because I sound so good that I'm held to an exceptionally high standard; one I often fail to meet. " Even then something gets discovered it is owned and restricted if need be. So I knew how deceptive fancy words could be. Does My Baby Need a Probiotic Supplement? It's either right or it's wrong. But I tend to react violently to it and people think I am being modest or something. is a mnemonic acronym, giving criteria to guide in the setting of objectives, for example in project management, employee-performance management and personal development.The letters S and M generally mean specific and measurable.Possibly the most common version has the remaining letters referring to achievable (or attainable), relevant, and time-bound. But that didn't make me smarter. How to use smart in a sentence. Multiply 4,722 by 381. You just do them, and not thinking it what made you do the dumb thing. I become an object. Disclaimer: Psychreg is mainly for information purposes only. English language cannot be take so literally, its ridiculous to what extent. Our comprehensive guide explains everything you need to … Appropriate turn taking in speech. Only independent scientists and researchers alike can shed a light on such topics and publish them for free. That part of my brain is "smart." The trick is to observe others and learn to do it, no matter the cause. The ABILITY to learn information is intelligence (higher the IQ, the more you might comprehend a topic). Are Personalities the Same Inside and Outside Relationships? Internet is the only medium where we can self-educate if and when we have time. -Georgiy. There’s no use in setting a generic goal because it won’t suit you personally, … Once again, John turns himself inside-out for us all to see and captivates. Normal is someone elses standards for you. you contain the secrets of the universe and your mind is ultimately the most beautiful devise ever created ..and is a well of ..everything. you are a very detail oriented individual, nice :) So, I just waded right in, and messed it all up. Read our full disclaimer here. They never said, "So you think you're smart . We tell you what you need to know if you haven’t had one installed yet, and how long they’re expected to last. But, we are not seeing our self, we are not observing our self as a object, instead a living creature. My son is 3 1/2 yo and has been dx'd with autistic disorder. I got a new bike, and my mother said, "What a pretty red bicycle!" If we were all smart, we'd be the same, and there would be no such thing as smart or not. Now that I'm grown, I can let them in on a secret: There was never a time when I didn't pay attention to grownups as a kid. I've been called stubborn because I "refuse" to look behind the obvious, but it's just that I have to have a logical explanation for EVERYTHING or I can't support it. But what does it actually mean, On a literal level, the dictionary defines ‘smart’ as ‘having or showing a, I was curious to know the answers to these questions, so I did what any curious person would do in 2019 – I grabbed my, Being smart, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, Being smart is something that you can be in one domain, but not in another domain, similar to how you can be confident in your professional life but not in your, Being smart is something that’s grown and cultivated, often by being curious enough to seek out new information and by recognising what you don’t already know, Being smart is the ability to put ideas together, and create solutions to problems, Being smart is the ability to focus, concentrate, and communicate, So, it appears that being smart is something that depends on your perspective of what realm you’re talking about it in. That was a formula for disaster, and it totally explains all those people who cried out, "How can you be so smart and do such dumb things?". As I understood, It's your emotions, which you have to understand in order to understand smartness. Smartness is like pattern of your emotions and thoughts, which will proceed in a series. It’s more than being able to list out all of the state capitals and using six-syllable words. A person whose social skills and language are poor is cut some slack, because he sounds like he needs some help. . Smartness is kind of emotion, which makes you feel proud, egoist, and warm feeling of happiness. Measurable goals can go a long way in refining what exactly it is that you want, too. Pretty is something you see. Smart is a range of abilities and feelings are included. can you be "the well" and many many other things alongside it? I digress. and as I just put on a face book post "I have come to the conclusion if we do not explain, others may not understand us and even them I wonder, but I refuse to play act and put on a none spectrum performance at my expense any more..." Aspergers Parallel Planet. I am so glad that I read this post. But what did it mean? It can be applied to people who can read a situation and act accordingly, especially on the streets of a bad neighborhood, where social rules and civil laws may sometimes not apply. None of them said he was smart. While there are a number of interpretations of the acronym's meaning, the most common one is that goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.. The grownups said, "John Elder is smart," and then Freddie crawled into the cage, and they also said, "Freddie is so clever and smart!" To moms, we were all cute and smart and clever. My mother and her friends said things like that all the time, as they pointed to me when they thought I wasn't paying attention. They just listened to me talk, and jumped to a conclusion. It does, but only while the going is easy. Anyway, I just want to know if I am the only one being offended by this. Social interactions are a complex balance of many things. The difference between being smart and being intelligent matters now more then ever. Math is so easy because no matter what there's only one answer. Matthew Buckley is an organisational psychologist. Therefore, a SMART goal incorporates all of these criteria to help focus your efforts and increase the chances of achieving your goal. The SMART acronym is a tool designed to help organisations and individuals set objectives in an effective and productive manner. That one rather confused me - you don't think to do dumb things. My mother was a one-woman vocabulary and grammar police force who insisted that her bright child have exceptional communication skills. Being smart is something that’s grown and cultivated, often by being curious enough to seek out new information and by recognising what you don’t already know; Being smart is the ability to put ideas together, and create solutions to problems; Being smart is the ability to focus, concentrate… Unfortunately, phrases like, "Bright little boy," didn't work that way. Continue to learn more, take the knowledge that you have, be willing to make it your own, and be able to communicate what you see with your unique set of knowledge and experiences to others. Something was either red or green; it didn't change at your whim or mine. And the pattern is designed that way, which will makes you feel secure, proud and top of the world. If you have a first-generation meter and want to switch energy supplier, you still can, but there is a risk that your meter will stop being smart until your meter is upgraded. A fount can at least be pretty, a well is just a hole. Off the top of my head, just for a conversation, you need: Usually research required funding and funding comes from interested private parties which look to make a profit or personal need. Me. I had a HUGE vocabulary. From my perspective, Smartness is something which is lies within all of us. But there were a few attributes that I consistently found across several articles, such as: So, it appears that being smart is something that depends on your perspective of what realm you’re talking about it in. More than 20m smart meters are now fitted in homes. . A person like me is torn to pieces because I sound so good that I'm held to an exceptionally high standard; one I often fail to meet. For myself, I can be smart in things such as psychology and the history of some, So for anyone who wants to be ‘smart’, or to even be ‘smarter’ than you already are, I suggest this: Be, Psychreg is mainly for information purposes only. A test question will ask: what was this character feeling in this paragraph? That's the ability to figure out other people, and what they really mean when they say and do things. Because like most (if not all) things in life, there is always a higher level for you to aspire to hit when it comes to being smart. Being intelligent means being open-minded. And finally, one big smarts is social smarts. They were making a big mistake, as it turned out. It is a basic lack of understanding of the complexities of the human brain. I suspect that my sisters mother in law struggles with high functioning aspergers, however, it seems like it is a highly protected secret. I had no idea how to get along with other kids. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Normal is a barrier to greatness. It's really nice to read something by someone who has had similar experiences to mine, and I'm looking forward to reading Look Me in the Eye! This is the world we live in. Smart definition is - having or showing a high degree of mental ability : intelligent, bright. People frequently expect you to be a top performer. The ability to apply the information learned is called being smart. I was curious to know the answers to these questions, so I did what any curious person would do in 2019 – I grabbed my smartphone and I googled ‘what does it mean to be smart?’ Fortunately, I found tons of readily available articles about the topic ‘what does it means to be smart?’. How we’re measuring being ‘smart’ seems a bit ambiguous, so is it all based on your individual perspective? I'm 43 now.Never made it past 8 grade.I could not stay out of trouble and always on some meds from my shink.Always called dumb,you call autism but the world have defrenet words not as pretty.I taught myself to read and write in prison from the bible.Ive done stop listening to people because most are full of them self and have nothing I care to hear.So I'm rude,uncaring and weird but I just figger I can learn on my oun.And only what I could use and be good at it.Not big on writing or math but reading and comperhending I can do.Im happy to say that I can do a lot but when I picked up a paintbrush for the first time nine years ago I found myself and my place in this world.Im an artist.I can paint anything.when you look at my work it leaves no doubt about intelligence.you would think brilliance.Over the years I have found that everything is art.The way people learn is a painting only they can paint.No two could ever be the same.because no human is the same.Everyone see thing diffenety even when the class is being taught the same.In the end everybody's tree is a tree to them.Only problem is the teachers view of what a tree looks like. I have high-functioning Aspergers, and I have always had trouble reading "in-between the lines." A well swallowing science without any thinking, processing or ability to synthesize information. As if there were saying I'm not a human being anymore, only because I can talk, with strong feelings, about a lot of different subjects. Something was wrong. Smart meters offer a free way to keep track of your energy usage and could mean the end of estimated bills and meter readings. Quiet Your Inner Voice. I may not have known much in elementary school, but I knew bright, retarded, and stupid did not go together. Normal = understood = accepted, which means dumb yourself down to get what you need. I liked … I see how it could be offensive but then you are the one who is assigning the meaning to the word "human". He holds a master’s degree in organisational psychology from the University of New Haven. Personal outcomes must involve the child/young person/family, reflect their wishes about what they want to achieve and overall be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-limited (SMART): When I was twelve, I had the language skill of a college professor and the social skill of a toddler. Sure, I knew who had better language skills. Add synesthesia, and "normal" people just can't quite grasp how colors evoke emotions or letters are "Thinking in Pictures" symbols that come in colors. “I never cut class. Materials on this website are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, or therapy. Or more specifically, I started reading and I looked for patterns, to see what sort of principles popped up on a consistent basis, and what the general consensus on the matter is. I went to school as a "bright boy" only to have bigger kids say, "You're a retard!" Like all areas of knowledge, I think there's more than one kind of social skill, though. . Being intelligent is more than getting a high SAT score and attending an Ivy League college. That's how it works for most people. Intelligence allows us to become smart. :D And I have a job I like - even love sometimes - and I have a husband, a 15 year old son, and I love my family and they love me. That makes any random gaffs more shocking to the listener/observer. This is the origin of the “street smart” expression. We can already see examples of smart contracts being used in the medical industry by the likes of EncrypGen. ." I always thought "smart" was an absolute, and maybe it is on an IQ test. On a literal level, the dictionary defines ‘smart’ as ‘having or showing a quick-witted intelligence‘, and intelligence is defined as ‘the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills’. Now that I don't try so hard to be normal, I'm a really happy person. The Power of Beautiful Flowers and Their Impact on Mental Health. Common sense would suggest that having ability, like being smart, inspires confidence. And then, because I was smart at learning factual things, I was expected to be smart at everything that wasn't based on physical coordination. For that, we are also going to tell you what are the qualities of a smart person and provide you with a few tips on how to think faster.. A smart person should know how to speed read; Give him/herself positive affirmations that remind them of their quick-thinking ability Also, after close observation I began to doubt the mental prowess of the name callers. In the US, domestic abuse charities report people contacting them with examples of smart thermostats and smart speakers being used against them by … This is an application that uses smart contracts to transfer patient data in a secure way, allowing no access from third parties. But so what? Doing puzzles like these will keep your brain working and increase your mental capabilities. Not when you live in a society with other people. However, if my sister and her husband could have been open and shared with us the information, it would have brought understanding and tolerance much quicker. If this is below my potential, I don't care. It's even worse if the contrast is lower. Read our full disclaimer. And the double whammy is when you are a good person too. I'm sure this will continue throughout his life. Being smart is usually an incredible gift but occasionally a difficult burden. Walk alone and you become stronger. There's also math smarts, history smarts, and smarts for everything else they teach in school. My words are heard, or read, and I am consistently labeled as inattentive or lazy when encountering information or concepts that I have any degree of difficulty integrating. Specific and measurable objectives define the success of a project or initiative. Why Does the Past Seem Better Than The Present? I don't know if I am the only one who feels this way about this particular expression. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice nor delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read on this website. Sciene is easy because there's always a logical explanation behind everything; there's no guessing involved. I am still looking for the universal definition for Smart as I am not agreed with your explanation. Unfortunately, I am pretty dumb in that area. You don't have to accept a smart meter if you don't want one. Being smart implies having the ability to quickly adapt to a situation and make the best of it. Your article made me think about a French expression: "Tu es un puits de science." You see the double take... I did have really good speaking skills. What can we do to educate the masses ? Find 151 ways to say SMART, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. I could talk about such adults things. Interesting thoughts. Achievable and realistic objectives engage and motivate individuals. Problem is I have a horrible habit of being bitingly sarcastic and other people not realizing I wasn't serious (and/or overreacting.) I guess that can count as lacking in social intelligence, though... (as I understand it, it doesn't.). An Autistic savant is a paradox condition -- mixed very high and very low functioning in the same person at the same time. There is a slight lag between when the speed limit is changed and when the cameras will begin to enforce that speed limit. SMART is a well-established tool that you can use to plan and achieve your goals. What Does It Mean to Be Smart?. But what does it actually mean to be told that you’re smart? More times then not we dont find what we are looking for because of social established norms. You’ll find plenty of misconceptions about quiet people, e.g. Keep in mind that, as mentioned in this blog, there are different kinds of intelligence. My take on your question. People said I was smart because they thought I sounded smart. But your point is well taken that individuals like you can sometimes miss out on some important attention, caring, and help. Perhaps the advice of "Judge not" is applicable here - you never know what is truly going on in another persons life. But as far as I’m concerned, the ultimate sign of a smart person is a person who recognises that while they may already know a lot, there is still far more out there left for them to learn. It took a long time for me to figure that out because it didn't work that way for me; I had to deduce what was going on from observation. The Reason Gaslighting Is So Painful in a Close Relationship, The Long-Lasting Effects of Having a Mentally Unwell Parent, “I’m Normal” and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves, Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, How Intellectual Humility Relates to Attitudes About Vaccines. Its quite sad but not in vain. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. being labeled as … Being Street Smart Comes from Experience. Please write back if you have any questions to ask. Gaze control (how much/often to meet eyes). The intellectual community has its hands full and will always be busy, until someone specifically takes this thought into account. And all the time I heard things like "you have no common sense" and "you're SO bright, how in the WORLD did you think to do something so dumb." But in the popular perception, smart is just as much in the eye of the beholder as beauty and body odor. No one every told me right out what that full potential was, but everyone seemed to expect me to be this genius who could think up anything, be anything, and solve all the world's problems. Sound was the giveaway. After reading this article I realize I must not be offended by her behavior nor take it personally. Butch Fornier talked rough, but he was an artist with carburetors in auto shop. But "smart" is such a delicate word, that can mean anything, when a "well of science" sounds more like an insult to me.
what is being smart 2021